《使用外贸英语函电》潘立娟,高彩慧,崔淑娟主编|(epub azw3 mobi pdf)电子书下载-云顶国际集团
- 【作 者】潘立娟,高彩慧,崔淑娟主编
- 【丛书名】高等院校“十三五”规划教材
- 【页 数】 187
- 【出版社】 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社 , 2016.07
- 【isbn号】978-7-5603-6080-5
- 【价 格】34.00
- 【分 类】对外贸易-英语-电报信函-写作
- 【参考文献】 潘立娟,高彩慧,崔淑娟主编. 使用外贸英语函电. 哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社, 2016.07.
chapter 1 introduction
before the negotiation of foreign trade,the following three questionsshould be made clear.
(1)what is foreign trade?
(2)what is the process of the foreign trade?
(3)how can potential customers be found?
part 1 definition of foreign trade
foreign trade is also called international trade or import and export trade.it isthe exchange of capital,goods and services across international borders or territories,which could involve the activities of the government and individual.in mostcountries,such trade represents a significant share of gross domestic product
trading globally gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed tonew markets and products.almost every kind of product can be found in theinternational market,such as clothes,bags,food,oil,spare parts,jewelry,wine,stocks,currencies and water.services are also traded:tourism,banking,consultingand transportation.when a product is sold to the global market,it is called export,and when a product is bought from the global market,it is called import.
industrialization,advanced technology,including transportation,globalization,multinational cooperation,and outsourcing are all having a major impact on theinternational trade system.increasing international trade is crucial to the continuanceof globalization.without international trade,nations would be limited to the goodsand services produced within their borders.
work in groups and discuss the following questions.
(1)what are the differences between international trade and domestic trade?
(2)use examples to illustrate that international trade is very important forcountries.
(3)think of some examples to illustrate that technology and transportation havea great impact on the international trade.
part 2 foreign trade of the united states
foreign trade of the united states comprises the international imports and exportsof the country,and it is one of the world's most significant economic markets.thecountry is among the top three global importers and exporters.
the regulation of trade is constitutionally vested in the united states congress.
after the great depression,the country emerged as among the most significant globaltrade policy-makers,and it is now a partner to a number of international tradeagreements,including the general agreement on tariffs and trade (gatt)and the
international trade organization (ito).gross u.s.assets held by foreigners were$16.3 trillion as of the end of 2006 (over 100%of gdp).
united states trade policy has varied widely through various american historicaland industrial periods.as a major developed nation,the u.s.has relied heavily onthe import of raw materials and the export of finished goods.because of thesignificance for american economy and industry,much weight has been placed ontrade policy by elected officials and business leaders.
today the united states'largest trading partner is china.china has seensubstantial economic growth in the past 50 years and president obama hoped to insureanother 50 years of growth between the two countries.
work in groups and discuss the following questions.
(1)what affects a nation's foreign trade policy?
(2)what's gatt?
(3)what's ito?
(4)why do nations try to attend international trade organizations?
part 3 foreign trade of china
peace,development and cooperation are the trends in today's world.since theadoption of the reform and opening up policy more than 30 years ago,china hasconformed to the trend of economic globalization by opening wider to the outsideworld and promoting economic and trade cooperation with other countries on the basis
chapter 1 introduction
of equality and mutual benefit.through years of development,foreign trade hasbecome one of china's most dynamic and fastest-growing sectors,placing chinaamong the world's largest trade countries.china's foreign trade development hasstrengthened the nation's ties with the rest of the world and effectively pushed forwardthe country's modernization,and promoted world prosperity and progress.
china entered the world trade organization (wto)in 2001.during the pastdecade,china has quickened its integration into the global economy while its foreigntrade has been further invigorated.on the 10th anniversary of china's accession tothe wto,the chinese government issues the white paper to give a comprehensiveintroduction to china's foreign trade development.
china has formed an all-round and diversified import and export market.sincethe adoption of the reform and opening up policy,china has been promoting foreigntrade on all fronts,and established trade relations with the vast majority of the world'scountries and regions.china's trade partners have increased from a small number ofcountries and regions in 1978 to 231 countries and regions now.the european union(eu),the united states,the association of southeast asian nations (asean),
japan,and the other bric countries have become china's major trade partners.inthis new century china's trade with newly emerging markets and developing countrieshas maintained sustained and relatively rapid growth.in china's total trade in goodsfrom 2005 to 2010 the proportion of trade with asean increased from 9.2 percent to
9.8 percent,with other bric countries from 4.9 percent to 6.9 percent,with latinamerica from 3.5 percent to 6.2 percent,and with africa from 2.8 percent to 4.3percent.
china's international competitiveness in services trade has been enhanced.withits wto entry,china's trade in services entered a new stage of development.withits scale rapidly enlarged and its pattern gradually optimized,china's trade inservices now ranks among the top in the world.china's trade in tourism,transportand other fields has maintained a steady growth momentum.china's cross-borderservices in construction,communications,insurance,finance,computers andinformation,royalties and license fees,consultation and related fields,as well asservice outsourcing,have been growing rapidly.from 2001 to 2010 china's totalservices trade value (excluding government services)witnessed a more-than-five-foldgrowth from $71.9 billion to $362.4 billion.china's proportion in world servicestrade exports rose from 2.4 percent to 4.6 percent,worth $170.2 billion in 2010,
and jumped from the 12th place in the world to the 4th;china's proportion in worldservices trade imports increased from 2.6 percent to 5.5 percent,worth $192.2billion in 2010,moving from the 10th place in the world to the 3rd.
part 4 process of export and import
figure 1.1 shows clearly the whole process of export.discuss with yourpartner and try to answer the question "in what part,foreign business lettersare especially important?"
figure 1.2 shows the import process.compare it with the exportprocess and find the differences between them.
foreign business letters play a very important role in the whole process of foreigntrading,especially in business negotiation.business letters are written to ask toestablish business relations with clients,to inquiry,to offer,to counteroffer,to placeorders,and even to sign contracts.business letters are also used to talk aboutpackaging,shipment,terms of payment,insurance,inspection,compensation,arbitration,and so on.however,writing business letters is not as easy as it seems.
good and appropriate business letters can help to develop business,whileinappropriate business letters might ruin the business.thus learning to write businessletters,especially e-mails,are really very important for those who want to besuccessful in this field.
chapter 1 introduction
before export
plan and
carry out
manage export
business negotiation(贸易磋商)
price bargain
sign a contract(签订合同)
fulfill a contract(履行合同)
letter of credit
packing,shipping mark
booking shipping space(租船、订舱)
inspection certificate
making documents
customs clearance(海关检验放行)
bill of lading(货物装船后取得提单)
notice of shipment(向买方发装船通知
collection of relevant documents(汇集有关单证)
take full set of shipping documents with l/c to the bank for negotiation
figure 1.1 the whole process of export
before import
import plan
market and partner(安排
management plan(制订
business negotiation
price bargain
sign contract
fulfill contract
booking shipment
the bank checks thedocuments and pays
shipping advice
buy foreign exchangeand retire the documents
shipment of
the goods(货物装船)
deliver goods and settle
figure 1.2 the whole process of import