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1940年 1 月 10 日,西欧大地北风呼号,天寒地冻。战局一开,德军按曼施坦因计划展开,南路 c 集团军 20 个师紧紧咬住马其诺防线上的法军,使其不敢北移;北路 b 集团军 33 个师伪装成主攻部队,虚张声势,飞机大炮狂轰滥炸,坦克群横冲直撞,使英法误以为德军确实是按黄色计划作战,因而把几百万生力军开入比荷境内准备决战;这时,中路德军 a 集团军 60 个主攻师,却以1700 辆坦克为开罐刀,用预先准备的各种辅助器材,强越阿登山地,出敌不意地从中央突破,从英法主力背后前出马斯河上游,然后一路向西北海岸线方向发展进攻。...
《on the origin of species》pdf高清文字版本|百度网盘下载
bornat shrewsbury, darwin came from an affluent family, descendedfrom successful country doctors on one side and the wedgwood family on the other. he was intended to follow the familytradition of medicine, but couldn’t stand the bloody nature of surgery,and seemed likely to become a wastrel. his father sent him tocambridge to study theology with a view to turning him into a countryparson, but darwin became fascinated by geology and natural history,impressing his tutors so much that they recommended him for avacancy that arose as an unpaid naturalist and companion for thecaptain on the voyage of the beagle. the round-the-world voyagelasted from 1831 to 1836, and gave darwin a rare insight into thegeology of different parts of the globe and the variety of life on earth.back home, he found he had a reputation as a geologist, based onthe reports and materials he had sent back during the voyage, but wasnot known as a naturalist at all. although he almost immediately cameup with the idea of natural selection, he set about establishing areputation in biology before thinking about publishing it. indeed, he onlypublished at all when alfred russel wallace came up with the sameidea independently.darwin was a semi-invalid for most of his life, perhaps a result of atropical infection picked up on the voyage, and lived in seclusion in kentsurrounded by a large family and attended by a loving wife.independently wealthy he never had to work for a living —but, paradoxically, worked far harderthan most people at what strictly has to becalled his hobby.john gribbin...
战国一名,乃取之公元前221 年秦统一中国前时人语言中的所谓齐、楚、韩、魏、赵、燕、秦之“战国”七雄,史学界一般是把晋国的韩、魏、赵三家灭智伯而瓜分其地的公元前 453 那年,作为战国时期之始。...
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o’reilly为软件开发人员带来革命性的“动物书”;创建第一个商业网站;组织了影响深远的开放源代码峰会,以至于开源软件运动以此命名;创立了 make 杂志,从而成为 diy 革命的主要先锋;公司一如既往地通过多种形式缔结信息与人的纽带。...
theencyclopedia of information science and technology is the first work to map this ever-changing field. it is the most comprehensive, research-based encyclopedia consisting of contributions from over 900 noted researchers in over 50 countries. this five-volume encyclopedia includes more than 550 articles highlighting current concepts, issues and emerging technologies. these articles are enhanced by special attention that is paid to over 4,500 technical and managerial terms. these terms will each have a 5-50 word description that allow the users of this extensive research source to learn the language and terminology of the field. in addition, these volumes offer a thorough reference section with over 11,500 sources of information that can be accessed by scholars, students, and researchers in the field of information science and technology....
张益豪国际⽣物奥林匹克竞赛⾦牌•北京⼤学在读博⼠• 北京⼤学 igem 团队 2013-2017 队⻓及指导⽼师• 蓝晶实验室创意与品牌总监科学家以「基因元件」为单元改造⽣物系统的原因包括:a. 一些基因编码的蛋白质是组成生物结构的元件b. 一些基因编码的蛋白质可以催化特殊的化学反应c. 一些基因负责是控制其他基因的表达或关闭d. 一些基因是组成生物结构的元件...
他稍微有了劲头,开始向我们讲述自己从下午6点降旗仪式警报声响起之时到现在所经历的—切。后辈却认 为,张丙万这样的人反倒是最佳人选。只有张丙万这样的人,才能展示出历史主力 军抗议民众的面貌——他们与整个社会的民主化热潮一起慢 慢觉醒,开始认清自己所属的社会阶层与苦难的生活,对自 己的力虽有了全新的认识。...
这张 cd 中的“吴淞烟雨” 、“海天旭日”两个乐段 ,尤使我浮想联翩 、感慨万端 ———凭栏远眺 ,透过濛濛的“吴淞烟雨” ,我们分明看到了激情澎湃的万里长江浩荡西来 ,金波荡漾的百里浦江奔腾北泻 ,在遥远的天边 ——— 不 ,就在我们的身边 ——— 与浩瀚的东海碰撞 、汇合 、交融 、激荡 ,从而发出跨越时空的欢呼与歌唱 。...
thesteamer’s bell is pealing forth its last call. the huge, hot engine,two are hurried over the gangway, and their baggage sent after them with...
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——李晓明北京大学计算机科学与技术系教授作为一个 geek,当斯科特决定用一年的时间去挑战 mit 计算机课程的时候,他把这当作是一个实验,当他完成课程世人惊叹他天才的时候,其实这只是他的一个生活理念:get more from life !...