《外贸英语》张莲英主编|(epub azw3 mobi pdf)电子书下载-云顶国际集团

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【作 者】张莲英主编
【页 数】 355
【出版社】 北京:中国物资出版社 , 2004.07
【价 格】25.00
【分 类】对外贸英-英语
【参考文献】 张莲英主编. 外贸英语. 北京:中国物资出版社, 2004.07.




chapter 1 establishment of business relations 1

chapter 1

establishment of business relations


in international trade suppliers and buyers usually do not know eachother before transactions.they are in search of each other before transac-tion.the first step for both to take is to establish and develop extensivebusiness relations with each other,during which course one should get toknow the other's credit status,business scope and ability,and attitudesof his clients.there are four main channels through which he can inquireabout the above information:a)banks b)industrial and commercial cir-cles c)his country's commercial institutes in foreign countries d)foreigncommercial counsellor's office in his country.the commercial institutesof his own country can provide the most reliable information.besides,hecan consult the advertising literature issued by business organizations a-broad,newspapers,journals,advertisements,or the firms in the sameline,to acquire the names and addresses of the firms with which hewants to establish business relations.

having been informed of the names and addresses of the firms hecan write them demanding to establish business relations with them.

this kind of business letters usually begins with how and from whichinstitution he has got informed of the names and addresses of the firms hewrites to.secondly he may express his wishes and requirements to estab-lish business relations,to deal and to cooperate with them.thirdly he isto introduce something about his own company,e.g.business scope and


operation,distribution of its branches.fourthly he may,for the conven-ience of the other party,provide references as to the credit status of hiscompany.then,lastly,he may write what he needs or what he wants tosell.

a letter of such kind should be replied immediately whether the re-ceiver can comply with the sender's demand or not.this will lay thefoundation for the transactions in future.a tactful decline is much betterthan delay in reply or ignoring.

letter a

shanghai branch

china national import &export corp




w.h.wallace co.176m.louis street


dear sirs,

on the recommendation of messrs.william co.ltd.,london,

england,we.have learned with pleasure the name and address of yourfirm.we wish to introduce ourselves to you as a staterun corporationdealing exclusively in light industrial products and willing to enter intobusiness relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual ben-efit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.

to acquaint you with the goods we handle,we are sending you,byseparate airmail,a commodity list and several sample books for your ref-

chapter 1 establishment of business relations 3

erence.if you find any of the items interesting,please let us know assoon as possible.we shall make offers upon receipt of your concrete en-quiries.

we await your early reply.

yours faithfully,(signature)

letter b

p.s.rhines 7 company

249 eddy street

san francisco 2,ca



messrs.ishida company,ltd.



your name and address have been secured from our chamber of

commerce who stated you are interested in forming import and exportconnections for various commodities and products.

in the event you have not as yet established definite connections,we would like to have you consider ourselves.while our firm was origi-nally established to act as distributors of industrial machinery for our do-mestic market,a recent change in management has also changed thefirm's policy with regard to distribution.

due to the many years'experience of the writer in foreign trading,we are interested in building suitable and lasting trading connections


throughout the world.long established direct factory connections allow usto be most competitive in many lines and especially in our industrial ma-chinery line.

we would also like to handle one or two good lines from your coun-try which could be distributed throughout the united states at competitiveprices,and which would be conductive to establish a steady supply andlasting market.

we should be most happy to receive a reply from your good firmoutlining your views,desires and proposals,and how in your opinion wecould work together to our mutual benefit.

if need be,we are also in a position to act as your united states

purchasing agent on a commission basis.

we now await your early reply with interest.

very truly yours,




a dialogue

black:how do you do?i am from the pacific mechanical compa-ny.my name is henry black.i've got your name and address from the

commercial councellor's office of the chinese embassy in rome.hereis my business card.

zhang:thank you.how do you do,mr.black?i'm zhang

jie.please to meet you.take a seat,please.


zhang:well,mr.black,i'll assure you of our best attention.fromyour business card,i can see your line of business is wholesale suppl-

chapter 1 establishment of business relations 5


black:yes,our speciality back in italy is wholesaler supplying ofscrews,bolts,nuts,pins,studs and that kind of thing.

zhang:for wood or for metal?

black:for both.now,do you make machines for producing suchthings?

zhang:yes,automatic,semi automatic,and manual.

black:we'll want automatics.where can i see some of your ma-chines so that i can get a better idea of what you supply?

zhang:we have an exhibition hall not far away from here.wouldyou like to go there right away?i have a car outside.


(they go into the exhibition hall)

black:after i have seen your exhibits,i should say your exhibitshave left a deep impression on me.i've found some of them fine in qual-ity.i'm especially interested in your pins and studs.

zhang:our products are known for their high quality.they are al-ways in great demand domestically and abroad.

black:may i take the quotation and pattern books so that i can ex-amine further?

zhang:of course.how many copies would you like to have?

black:six,please.i'd like to airmail some back.i'm sure i'llcome here back for another meeting.

zhang:fine.call again any time you like.

black:i surely will.goodbye.



word list


messrs.['mes3z]=messieurs,mr.的复数pleasure['ple∫a]n.高兴,快乐firm[fo:m]n.商号,公司staterun adj.国营的stateowned adj.国营的stateoperated ad.国营的deal[di:l].经营,做买卖





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