《高三英语补充练习》湖北省教育学院教学教材研究室编|(epub azw3 mobi pdf)电子书下载-云顶国际集团

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【作 者】湖北省教育学院教学教材研究室编
【页 数】 123
【出版社】 武汉:湖北教育出版社 , 1984.11
【价 格】0.47
【分 类】英语(学科: 高中 学科: 教学参考资料)
【参考文献】 湖北省教育学院教学教材研究室编. 高三英语补充练习. 武汉:湖北教育出版社, 1984.11.




unit one (l.1-l.2)

i.replace the underlined parts in the followingsentences with the proper forms of the phrasescr.words given below:

despair,take no notice of,without difficulty,bepleased,spread,look upon.

1.the news got round that someone had distrib-uted leaflets again.

2.mother took the leaflets to the factory regular-ly,regarding this as her duty.

3.the workers were deiighted with the work moiherhad done、.

4.if you can't read the novel with ease,you hadbetter change an easier one.

5.though pavel was arrested,mother didn't loseher heart and went on wiih her son's work.

6.you mustn't ignore your weak points if youwant to be useful to the people.

i.complete each sentence.by adding an expression


a.use“might have v-ed”:

1.if you had got up a little earlier.



2.if they had accepted his opinion,




if he had realized that his way of studywas not so good.

b。use“used to”:



but now he seldom keeps quiet.

5.my father doesn't play football now




i旧木桥)but now it was replaced by a railwaybridge.

c。use“must have v-ed”6r“must be v-ing”

7.please return the book you borrowed last month.


8.i think that



9.take an umbrella with you,(外面很可能在下雨呢)。

multiple choice:

1.his daughter wishes she

to beijing

with him,for she has never been there before.

a.can go

b.will go

c.is going

d.could go


2.if we had known that she was not well,we

out with her.

a.shall not go

b.would not have.gone

c.should not go

d.would not go

3.he ought not to have done that way,_



c.ought he

d.did he

4.your brother never used to help you with your


a.usedn't he


c,did he

d.was he

5.the policeman said to the injured driver thathe

to have driven more carefully.





6.jane got up earlier in order that shecatch the first train.





fill in the blanks with proper names of persons:

albert einstein,charles dickens,napoleon,alphonse

daudet,william tell,abraham lincoln,karl marx,

maxim gorky,anna louise strong,guy de mau-passant'

1。the author of the novel“mother'”was

2.the famous novel“a tale of two cities'”waswritten by

an english writer.


()a.you needn't read the passage if

it is not too long before your'summary work。

b.if ihe passage is difficult.for.you

to understand,you should read itmore carefully,

(')c。you are required to find.the

theme of the passage through read-ing so'that you are able to do寸our summary well.:

2,those unimportant contents such as repetition,negative information,examples and unnece3sarydetails should be left out.in the meantime,you have to make your sentences and expres-sions as short:as possible,using your ownwords (but words ffom the original,may ofcourse be used),and checking to see that it isthe correct length.

(··)'a.in your summary you must use your

own words,without any wordsthatoccur in the original.,

b.as a summary,the shorter.the


()c.a summary is usually'shorter than

the original.

m.put the following sentences into.english:1。听说他这次不会错过机会,她面露喜色。(1 ight up)



must have v-ed




对你是很有帮助的。(find sth。 adj。)

h.choose the best answers;

1.his teacher often adyises him on what_(a)to read;(b)read;(c)reading2。the.novel is worth.·

(a)to read;(b)read;(c)reading

8.she has finished the novel mother.(a)read;(b)reading;(c)to read

4.congratulate you on your the game.(a)towin;(b)win;(c)winning

5.do you mind the window?(a)to close;(b)close;(c)closing

6.bob seems where he is.

(a)to know;(b)knowing;(c)know

7.i saw her in the woods at five in the


(a)sung;(b)singing;(c)to sing

8.he did say that he was sorry to have kepty0u-·

(a)to wait;(b)wait;(c)waiting



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